Dr. Alex Catauro
Session 2: Atraumatic Extraction & Bone Grafting
“We have a lot of hands on activities during the course of the weekend. On top of that, there’s also the theory based knowledge as well that’s helping us to develop the foundation and skills required to become a competent clinician and know how to handle everyday situations and bridge this all back.
I feel like I’m getting a great education here. I truly can’t wait to head back home and bring this into my everyday work life.”

Testimonial Compilation
Session 4: PRF Workshop & Live-Patient Implant Surgery Program
“What the Core Implant Mini-Residency has brought to the table is a really solid, didactic foundation for implants and placing implants.”
“It’s great to do a surgery under supervision. Dr. Zokol was there to say ‘look, this is what you need to do’, step-by-step. That gives you a sense of calmness.”
“100%. It was very, very useful to my practice.”

Dr. Jouya Barati
Session 4: PRF Workshop & Live-Patient Implant Surgery Program
“Core 4 is just amazing It changed my whole idea about bone grafting. The result of the bone grafting style was just amazing.
I was learning all the time. Not only on my patient, it was from watching him [Dr. Zokol] telling us what to do for every single patient. Because every single surgery is different. So having him there watching and teaching and helping was just amazing.”

Dr. Mark Ryerson
Ultimate Live Surgery – Single Tooth
“DDI has been a wonderful experience for me.
From the beginning you have instructors working with you, making sure you aren’t doing anything crazy…but also teach new principles along the way.
They will step in. Which I was hoping for and wanting. I didn’t want to just place implants and go about my day. I wanted to learn something at this clinic and I did, 100%.”

Dr. Michael Danielak
Workflow for Digital Denture Excellence
“What we’ve seen this weekend improved clinical workflows, streamlined appointments, patient acceptance, patient comfort, the delivery appointments are smooth, and very few—if any—post insertment adjustments.
One unique thing about the course was the live patient demo. It really gave a good understanding as to how these procedures are done. Instead of just seeing a picture on a slide, we can see it being used in action.”

Dr. Nadia See
Session 1: Implant Treatment Planning And Restorations
“We’ve been learning about treatment planning, restorations for implants. It’s a really great course and I do highly recommend it because there are hands-on components where you can put everything that you learned into action.”

Dr. Sherry Rayburn
Session 3: Implant Surgery & Restoratively Driven Treatment
“The best part of the course for me was seeing some of the more advanced cases that we were invited to see in different stages of the instruction. Seeing the more advanced cases simplified to me the implant placement procedure and increased the excitement for what the possibilities could be. Seeing those possibilities just opened up a whole new world for me.”

Dr. Davie Wilkie
Session 1: Implant Treatment Planning And Restorations
“Its taken a lot of the mystery out of the discipline. I feel much more comfortable and worlds better informed than 2 days ago. It’s a compete change on my outlook on my capability, capacity, competency, my willingness to try something like this.
This has been, for my purposes, a perfect course.
I’d be very happy to come back to another DDI Course”

Dr. Benjamine Pinney
Session 4: PRF Workshop & Live-Patient Implant Surgery Program
“What the Core Implant Mini-Residency has brought to the table is a really solid, didactic foundation for implants and placing implants. As you go through the course, more and more information that’s really important for surgery is brought to the table.
It’s exactly what I was looking for. [To] have confidence in what I’m doing and why I’m doing it. I feel like I can go home and do it.”